#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <condition_variable>
using namespace std;
// Multithreading: good for I/O bound operations.
// Multiprocessing: good for CPU bound operations.
// function pointer.
void foo(int param) {
cout << "function pointer: " << param << endl;
// lambda expression
auto f = [](int param) {
cout << "function pointer: " << param << endl;
// Function object.
class fn_object_class {
void operator() (int param) {
cout << "function object: " << param << endl;
class Base {
void foo(int param) {
cout << "non-static: " << param << endl;
static void static_foo(int param) {
cout << "static_foo: " << param << endl;
// condition variables
// std::condition_variable is a synchronization primitive used with a std::mutex to block one
// or more threads until another thread both modifies a shared variable(the condition) and notifies the std::condition_variable.
// The thread that intends to modify the shared variable must :
// Acquire a std::mutex(typically via std::lock_guard).
// Modify the shared variable while the lock is owned.
// Call notify_one or notify_all on the std::condition_variable(can be done after releasing the lock).
// Even if the shared variable is atomic,
// it must be modified while owning the mutex to correctly publish the modification to the waiting thread.
// Any thread that intends to wait on a std::condition_variable must :
// Acquire a std::unique_lock<std::mutex> on the mutex used to protect the shared variable.
// Do one of the following :
// Check the condition, in case it was already updated and notified.
// Call wait, wait_for, or wait_until on the std::condition_variable(atomically releases the
// mutex and suspends thread execution until the condition variable is notified,
// a timeout expires, or a spurious wakeup occurs, then atomically acquires the mutex before returning).
// Check the condition and resume waiting if not satisfied.
// wait() - tells the current thread to wait till the condition variable is notified.
// wait_for() - tells the current thread to wait for some specific time duration.
// if notified early, the thread awakes.
// wait_until() - absolute time given instead of duration.
// notify_one() - notifies one of the waiting threads that shared resources is free to access.
// thread selection is random.
// notify_all() - notifies all of the threads.
mutex mtx;
condition_variable cv;
bool data_ready = false;
void producer() {
// lock release
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mtx);
// variable to avoid spurious wakeup
data_ready = true;
// logging notification to console
cout << "Data Produced!" << endl;
// notify consumer when done
void consumer() {
unique_lock<mutex> lock(mtx);
cv.wait(lock, [] {
return data_ready;
cout << "Data consumed!" << endl;
int main() {
// // launching thread using function pointer.
// thread thread_obj(foo, 2);
// // launching thread using lambda expression.
// thread thread_obj2(f, 2);
// // launching thread using function object.
// thread thread_obj3(fn_object_class(), 2);
// // launching thread using non-static member function.
// Base b;
// thread thread_obj4(Base::foo, &b, 2);
// // launching thread using static member function.
// thread thread_obj5(&Base::foo, 2);
// // Wait thread to finish.
// thread_obj.join();
thread consumer_t1(consumer);
thread producer_t1(producer);
// producer_t1.join();
return 0;
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