Design Gaming Leaderboard
Clarifying Questions
How real-time we want this gaming leaderboard to be updated?
How's score calculated?
Do we show top 10 players or show position of the current user, and show 5 more player above/below the current player.
How many players? 5M DAU, 25M MAU,
How many games are played on average during a day? 10 matches per day for each player.
Is there a time segment associated with the leaderboard? Each month, a new rounament kicks off which starts a new leaderboard.
Functional Requirements:
Able to show position of current user, show 5 more player above/below the current player.
Able to show top 10 player.
Non-functional Requirements:
Highly available
Highly scalable
Real time.
5M DAU, 10 matches per day -> 50M matches per day -> 600 QPS -> peak 600x5 = 3000 QPS.
Top 10 player -> 50 users/s -> 50 QPS if user only see leaderboard when first open the game.
High Level Architecture
DB Options
Relational DB
New user:
Existing user:
Find user's leaderboard position:
Easy to implement.
Query become slow when there are millions of rows: attempting to do a rank operation over millions of rows is taking 10 seconds, which not acceptable for real-time requirements.
Cache won't help since data are constantly changing.
Won't work on finding user rank because it needs a full table scan to determine rank.
Optimized for write, like Cassandra, DynamoDB
Efficiently sort items within the same partition by score.
Add index: use game_name#{year-month} as partition key and score as sort key.
Further partition by user_id % number of partition. Partition key becomes game_name#{year-month}#user_hash
Need to figure out how much partition we need
Need to merge top 10 player results from multiple partitions.
Trade off between read complexity and number of partitions, need benchmarking.
No straight-forward solution to query relative rank of a user.
Can query percentile of a user's position instead. top 10%, 20% etc.
Assuming score distributions is similar across all shards. Run a cron job to analyzes the distribution of score to percentile and cache the result.
Redis Sorted Set
A sorted set is implemented by: hash table and a skip list. hash table maps users to scores and the skip list maps scores to users. In sorted set, users are sorted by scores.
ZADD: insert user into set if they don't exist. Otherwise, update the score for user. It takes O(logn) to execute.
ZINCRBY: increment the score of the user by specified increment, O(logn) to execute.
ZRANGE/ZREVRANGE: fetch a range of users sorted by score. It takes O(logn+m), m is the number of entries to fetch.
ZRANK/ZREVRANK: fetch position of any user in ascending/descending order.
Add a point to user:
Fetches top 10 global leaderboard
Fetch user relative position on leaderboard
Fetch n positions above/below user's position
Storage requirements
24 character name: 24 bytes + score 4 bytes = 28 bytes.
one leaderboard entry per MAU = 28 bytes * 25 million = 700M bytes = 700MB
peak QPS is 3000 QPS, both are acceptable for a single Redis server.
Scale Up
What if score service is down?
Load balancer in front of score service and deploy service onto kubernetes. Use auto scaling.
What if DB is down?
Figure out read / write throughput?
If read throughput, then we need to add read replicas, add in-memory cache?
What if we grows DAU 100 times?
500M DAU -> data size: 65GB, QPS = 250,000
We need data sharding:
Fixed partition
We break up score by range. [1, 100], [101, 200], [201, 300] ... [901, 1000]
Need to make sure even distribution of scores across leaderboard.
When we insert/update score for a user, we need to know which shard they are in.
calculating user current score from MySQL DB, not very performant.
Option 2
use a secondary cache to maintain mapping between user id and shard id.
Fetching top 10 player
fetch top 10 players from the shard with highest scores.
Fetching rank of a user
calculate rank within local shard + total number of players in shards with higher scores. We can use info keyspace command in O(1)
Hash partition
Redis cluster provides hash slot to shard data automatically across multiple Redis nodes. We can compute hash slot by: CRC16(key) % 16384
The first node contains hash slots [0, 5500], second: [5501, 11000], third: [11001, 16383]
For returning top k results, we need to use scatter-gather to merge the results. need to be sorted.
If we have a lot of partitions, the query has to wait for the slowest partition.
doesn't provide straightforward solution for determining the rank of a specific user.
Last updated