Part 1:
For this challenge, you will need to parse data from STDIN to find a character in a matrix.
Below is an example of the input you will receive from STDIN:
[2, 4]
The first line is the [X, Y] coordinates of the character in the matrix.
([0, 0] is the bottom left character)
The remaining lines contain a matrix of random characters, with a character located at the coordinates
from line 1. so in the example above, we are looking for a character at the coordinates [2, 4]
Moving right 2 spaces, and up 4, we find the character K. so K is the character.
Please write a program that read from stdin and prints the answer to stdout
Part 2:
You will notice each chunk looks similar to the previous challenge with one addition
the first line is the (0-based) index of the password character.
In our example
- First chunk: password character index 1, character at [5, 6] is I.
- Second chunk: password character index 0, character at [0, 1] is H.
Once you have processed all of the chunks you have the entire password and
should print it to STDOUT, in our example the password is HI.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
class Entity {
int x;
int y;
int idx;
vector<string> board;
Entity() : x(-1), y(-1), idx(-1), board({}) {}
Entity(int x, int y, vector<string>& board) : x(x), y(y), idx(-1), board(board) {}
Entity(int x, int y, int idx, vector<string>& board) : x(x), y(y), idx(idx), board(board) {}
char get() {
int m = board.size();
int n = board[0].size();
int tx = x;
int ty = m - 1 - y;
if (tx < 0 || ty < 0 || tx >= n || ty >= m) {
throw runtime_error("x, y out of bounds!");
return board[ty][tx];
void debug() {
cout << "x: " << x << " y:" << y << endl;
cout << "index: " << idx << endl;
cout << "board: " << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < board.size(); i++) {
cout << board[i] << endl;
class Parser {
Parser(string filename) : filename(filename) {}
Entity parse() {
ifstream file(filename);
if (!file.is_open()) {
cout << "Fail to open" << endl;
return Entity();
vector<string> res;
string line;
getline(file, line);
// Parse x, y
char delim;
int x, y;
istringstream iss(line);
iss >> delim >> x >> delim >> y >> delim;
while (getline(file, line)) {
return Entity(x, y, res);
Entity parseUtil(ifstream& file) {
vector<string> res;
string line;
// Parse index
getline(file, line);
int idx;
istringstream iss_idx(line);
iss_idx >> idx;
// Parse x, y
getline(file, line);
char delim;
int x, y;
istringstream iss(line);
iss >> delim >> x >> delim >> y >> delim;
while (getline(file, line) && !line.empty()) {
return Entity(x, y, idx, res);
vector<Entity> parseList() {
ifstream file(filename);
if (!file.is_open()) {
return {};
vector<Entity> res;
while (file.peek() != EOF && file.peek() != '\n') {
return res;
string filename;
void debug(vector<string>& file) {
cout << file.empty() << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < file.size(); i++) {
cout << file[i] << endl;
int main() {
Parser parser = Parser("company-tags/instacart/part2_test1.txt");
vector<Entity> entityList = parser.parseList();
// for (Entity e: entityList) {
// e.debug();
// }
string res = string(entityList.size(), ' ');
for (Entity e: entityList) {
char c = e.get();
res[e.idx] = c;
cout << res << endl;
return 0;
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