Design ChatGPT

Functional Requirement:

  1. Create conversation

  2. Send message

  3. Delete conversation

  4. Language preference?

  5. Do we support images/attachment?

  6. Thumb up/down?

  7. Login system? Rate Limiting?

  8. How about context window? In the conversation?

Non-functional Requirement:

  1. Low Latency

  2. Highly available

  3. Scalable


10M user/day -> 5 conversations, 4 messages -> 200M messages per day.

200M messages -> 100 bytes -> 20G per day -> 73TB (10 years)

High Level Design



Fine tuning with RL

Proximal Policy Optimization

  1. Policy is a language model that takes in a prompt and returns a sequence of text (just probability distributions over text)

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