Google Maps
Functional Requirements
User Location Update
Monitor live traffic, detect new and closed roads, analyze user behavior for personalization.
Use real-time data to provide accurate ETA and reroute options.
Leverage stream of location data to improve system.
Navigation Service, including ETA
Map rendering
Non-functional requirements:
Low latency
Highly available
35 minutes per week for avg user
1B * 35 / 7 = 5B minutes per day.
Navigation Requests
twice a day -> 2B requests a day -> 2*10^9 / 10^5 = 20000 QPS
Location Update Requests
300B requests per day if send requests every seconds.
300B per day = 3M QPS
if send requests every 15 seconds = 3M / 15 = 30*10^5 / 15 = 200000 QPS.
Peak traffic = 2*10^5 * 5 = 1M QPS
At zoom level 21, about 4.3 trillion map tiles.
Each tile is a 256x256 pixel compressed PNG, size = 100KB
4.3 trillion x 100 KB = 440PB
Compressed image + natural lands = 44 to 88PB
100 PB in total
Location Update:
POST /v1/locations
Payload: JSON encoded array {latitude, longitude, timestamp}
GET /v1/navigation?origin=xxx&destination=xxx
High Level Diagram
App Initialization
Client open up the app, the GPS on the phone will locate user and its coordinate.
Client sends map rendering requests to fetch map tiles CDN urls to render nearby map on the specific zoom level.
Client set up websocket connections to receive reroute options, ETA updates.
Client search for some place / address on search bar.
Backend will route request to geocoding service to convert place or address to latitude and longitude pair.
Backend returns the detail information about the place as well as the navigation option response based on user location and destination location.
Location Update
Client send location update requests every 15 seconds.
Data Model
Routing Tiles
By breaking up road networks into routing tiles that can be loaded on demand, the routing algorithms can significantly reduce memory consumption and improve pathfinding performance by only consuming a small subset of the routing tiles at a time, and only loading additional tiles as needed.
Initial dataset contains roads and associated metadata like names, country, longitude and latitude. The data is not organized as graph structure and is not usable by most routing algorithm.
Each tile contains a list of graph nodes and edges representing the intersections and roads.
It's efficient to store it in S3 and cache it progressively. We can use some package/library to serialize adjacency lists into a binary file. We can organize tiles by its geohashes for fast look ups.
Road Segments
A road can be represented as a list of connected points: (lat1, lng1), (lat2, lng2)...(latN, lngN). Calculate the geohash for every point, and identify which tiles the road passes through.
For each road segment that crosses multiple tiles, you can split it into smaller segment lie within individual tiles.
User Location Data
(20.0, 30.5)
Geocoding DB
Redis, Key-Value
key: place_name, address. value: lat/lng pair.
Precomputed Map Tiles
Store in S3 backed by CDN.
Deep Dive
Location Service
Rendering Map Tiles
WebGL: Instead of sending images over network, we can send vector formations (paths and polygons)
Pros: vector tiles provide a much better zooming experience.
Navigation Service
Shortest Path Service
Receives the origin and destination in lat/lng pairs. Load start points and end points of routing tiles based on geohashes.
Starts with origin routing tile, as it traverse the graph, hydrates neighboring tiles from object storage, including bigger tiles at higher zoom level so that it can make use of highway roads etc.
ETA Service
Use machine learning to predict ETAs based on current traffic and historical data.
Ranker Service
Navigation service obtains the ETA predications, passes the info to ranker to rank possible routes from fastest to slowest, return top-k results to navigation service.
Updater Service
Tap into Kafka location update stream and asynchronously update traffic DB and routing tiles DB.
Update routing tiles DB: responsible for transforming the road dataset with newly found roads and road closures into a updated set of routing tiles.
Update traffic DB: Extracts traffic conditions from the streams of location updates sent by active users. Enable ETA service to provide better estimates.
Adaptive ETA and rerouting
The system needs to track all active navigating users and update them on ETA continuously.
How do we track actively navigating users?
How do we store data, so we efficiently locate the users affected by traffic changes among millions of navigation routes?
Traffic DB stores actively navigating users with routing tile information:
We store the upper zoom level routing tile until we found the destination.
To find if a user is affected by the traffic change, we need only check if a routing tile is inside the last routing tile of the row in record.
We prefer to use websocket to communicate the reroute options to clients.
Last updated